Registration of TIN/VAT
To apply for TIN/VAT for a company, go to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) office that is closest to your registered address. You can find the locations on the FIRS website with the following documents:
Submit the following documents to Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) office:
- Memorandum & Articles of Association
- Certificate of Incorporation: CAC2, CAC7
- Duly filled and officially stamped TIN/VAT form 001
- Utility bill
- Application letter on company letter headed paper
However, if the business is a registered business name, and not a limited liability company then the documents required are:
- Business Name Registration Certificate
- Duly filled and officially stamped TIN/VAT form 001
- Utility bill
- Application letter on business letter headed paper
NOTE: You should take the original copy and 2 photocopies of each document.